Prof. Dada Shamrao Patil
Assistant Professor
Qualification: MBA (Marketing)
Teaching Experience: 11 years
Research publication till the date (in number): 06
Other Experiences at University Level:
- External Senior Supervisor for SPPU Examination
- Actively Participated in Central Assessment Process for University Papers for MBA, MBS
- Chairman for Project Viva for MBA
- Working as Chief Examination Officer (C.E.O.) of SPPU Examination
Workshop: 6 (State) | 1 (National)
Faculty Development Programme: 4 (State)
Conference Attended: 1 (State) | 2 (National)
Seminar Attended: 5 (State) | 4 (National)
Paper Published in Journal: 2 (State)
Awards & Recognition Received:
- N. C. Joshi Best Teacher’s Award 2015 awarded by Institute of Science, Poona, Wakad, Pune – 411057