
Best Practices & Institutional Distinctiveness

First best practice followed by the college: “Best Book Review Competition”


Title of the Practice:

“Best Book Review Competition” hosted by Library


Objectives of the Practice:

  • To introduce library as knowledge and information centre.
  • To motivate students to browse and read books apart from management and specified areas.
  • To attract students to the library.
  • To inculcate habit of learning through reading.


The Context:

Library is a place where students’ visit to browse information related to curriculum. Students tend to learn most when they are actively involved in developing their knowledge. At IBMR, we in Library try to motivate the students to read not only syllabus related books but also the books apart from syllabus as well. To enable the students to exploit all possible information resources available in the library and supplement their learning process and to read maximum books from the library and to increase the footfalls of students in library, Institute organizes an activity named Book Review competition and gives an award as” Best Library User” to the students.



The Practice:


From 2017 an annual book review competition is organized at Institute of Business Management and Research. MBA Students are directed to choose a book of their choice related to management, motivational, autobiography or books apart from syllabus.  Time span is given to all the students to submit the book reviews. The student is guided to prepare posters of written book review and make PPT presentation on selected book in front of an expert panel.

In IBMR an exhibition of written book review is organized. Book Review and Presentations are judged by eminent personalities. The best presentations are awarded.

Impact of the Practice:

  • Visiting Library a joyful experience for students.
  • It gives the students stage daring, public speaking confidence and enhances their ability to adjust and work in groups.
  • While giving presentations students are acquainted with different titles and their curiosity to read the book arouse.
  • It increases the footfalls of students in library.


Evidence of Success:

The library register shows the increased footfalls and involvement of the students. The level of involvement and enthusiasm of students shows how much students have enjoyed the journey from choosing the book, reading it, interpreting the contents, developing posters, writing book review, giving presentations and developing their ideology based on their learning from the book. Innovative idea of book review has supported by the students by giving their near about 75% involvement and participation. Overall feedback of all the examiners was good. They appreciated this innovative idea.



Problems encountered and Resources required:

Sitting in one place in the library for hours without any social media or mobile was a difficult task for the students to read a book without distracting their attention. In addition, by attending other lecture periods, it was also a big task to create awareness and interest among the children about the library and books

The duration for mentoring 5 students for a single mentor was very short, so after college, the mentor and mentees was discussing all the points about the reviews and presentation.

Second best practice followed by the college: “N.C. Joshi Most Popular Outgoing Student Award”


Title of the Practice:-

“N.C. Joshi Most Popular Outgoing Student Award”

The award comprises of beautiful silver-coated plate with the winner’s name carved on it.


Objectives of the Practice:-

The objective of this practice is to encourage the students to keep close association with their colleagues and maintain healthy relations with entire class students even after they finish their education in the institution.

To motivate the students by appreciating their academic as well as cultural activities by honoring them with N.C. Joshi Most Popular Outgoing Student Award.


 The Context:-

Mr. N. C. Joshi is the Founder-Director of the parent institution Institute of Science, Poona, who was instrumental in starting Institute of Business Management & Research in view of imparting Management education to the budding managers. He was fully convinced that the students pursuing MBA course have to make their career in business world by means of employment or by entering in their own business line. Thus some of them could go for entrepreneurial efforts. For any business sector, leadership is one of the most vital qualities that can carve the success of the employee or a businessman. If the student is able to create and maintain good relations with his / her peers, his qualities of leadership are acceptable by his / her other colleagues. This gives foundation for him / her to become most popular amongst their peers. It is clearly manifested by the Management that this Award is not meant for students with highest academic performance. Management believes that students with highest academic performance may not show the courage to face the challenges posed by the circumstances. However, students having leadership qualities necessarily have guts to face the adverse situations in life. In this context, the award is bestowed upon them being most-popular than being best. However, the academic performance is also given due weightage while short-listing the students for final round i.e. Election Round.


The Practice:-

Shri. N.C. Joshi Most Popular Outgoing Student Award is awarded to the following candidate

  1. a) A candidate must be in the first year of Masters Degree in IBMR.
  2. b) A contesting candidate can be a male or female. However, only one award is given to the winning candidate from Institute of Business Management and Research, irrespective of the gender.
  3. c) Personal interviews of the applicants are conducted as per the prior notice.
  4. d) If there are more than one candidate is in the fray, election takes place. All the students of IBMR vote their candidate of preference and results will be declared. Thus all process is followed in democratic and transparent way.

The evaluation system is designed to encourage this concept. The evaluation system makes special provisions for different and extra-curricular activities. The students become eligible only when he has attended 75 per cent of the institutional programs and lectures. Students, if remained absent for a longer time are not included in the contest.


Evidence of Success:-

As a result of this best practice, Institute has been able to produce a healthy competition between the students. The students are able to acquire more knowledge not only academic but other activities also.

The students are able to acquire skills of lifelong learning and co-operative work culture. Besides, the curriculum of the Institute has witnessed a good sense of competition between students in order to achieve most popular award.


Problems Encountered & Resources Required-

The expenditures involved in giving this award is solely borne by Mr. N. C. Joshi, Founder of the Parent Institution. As such the Institute did not encounter any major problem in adopting and implementing this best practice.


Institute of Science Poona’s Institute of Business Management and Research, Wakad Pune



“To achieve high standards in the field of value based management education.”


The purpose of the Institution is the total development of students for this purpose; the Institute organizes different activities, which have enhanced the character and management skills of a student. The institute has made efforts to shift the focus of education from the ‘Teacher-centric education’ to student- centric education with the use of technology in an innovative manner.


Apart from regular syllabus and academic activities, the Institute has formed   “Active Learning Group” which explores untouched skills of students. In ALG, Institute covers activities like interview techniques, treasure hunt, make money, best from waste, mock stock, ad-mad shows, street play, group discussion, role-plays, case studies, presentations etc. This helped the students to explore his/her on talent.  Through such activities, we try our best to reach the student to acquire professional and skill oriented education in the field of business management.


The institute along with the SPPU syllabus caters various certificate courses and add-on programmes like business taxation-online return filling, corporate social responsibility and sustainability to develop the managerial skills of the students. The value-added certification offered by the Institute i.e. Computer basics, soft skills, ensure the students are industry ready.


In order to equip the students with industry demand, Institute provides learning through Live projects like Summer Internship Programme, field visit, mall visit, industry visit.


Every year State and National level workshops and seminars are organized in the Institute. Interface with the help of concurrent interactive sessions by experts from various corporate world to update the students and keep them acquainted with the current affairs, Alumnus meet keeps the students updated. The Institute offers wide range of placements in reputed companies.


The institute has signed number of collaborations linkages and MoUs with reputed organizations and Institutes through which the Institute arranges corporate interaction, industry-academia meet, Expert sessions, Live projects. To bridge the gap between industry and academics, to update the students with current affairs, every year institute organizes Alumnus Meet.


In IBMR, Students are actively involved in College Development Committee as well as in all other committees as members like Student Development, Student grievance cell, Cultural, Placement etc. Their suggestions are highly accepted. It provides a platform to the students to highlight their leadership qualities.


Institute also organizes a Quality Improvement Program for all the staff members and started a journal called “IBMR –Wakad’s Journal of Management Research” which helps the faculty members to publish their research work in the journal. This enables our staff and students to write and publish the papers and helps to improve their Academic Performance Index. (API)

Mr. Mahendra Sudam Kamble


Qualification: BA, MLib&Isc, SET

Teaching & Industrial Experience: 2 Years

Research publication till the date (in number): 00

Workshop: 2 (State)

Seminar Attended: 3 (State)

Prof. Chhaya Rahul Vanjare

Assistant Professor

Qualification: MBA (Marketing) M.Com, Pursuing Ph.D.

Teaching & Industrial Experience: 12 years

Research publication till the date (in number): 5

Other Experiences at University Level:

  • External Senior Supervisor for SPPU Examination
  • Actively Participated in Central Assessment Process for University Papers for MBA, PGDBM, MBS
  • Chairman for Project Viva for MBA

Workshop: 2 (State) | 1 (National)

Faculty Development Programm: 4 (State)

Conference / Seminar Attended: 2 (State) | 5 (National)

Seminar Attended: 4 (State) | 2 (National)

Paper presented @ Conference : 2 (National)

Paper Published in Journal : 1 ( State)

Awards & Recognition Received:

  • N. C. Joshi Best Teacher’s Award 2016 awarded by Institute of Science, Poona, Wakad, Pune – 411057

Prof. Ashok Balbhim Kumbhar

Assistant Professor

Qualification: MA, PGDBM, MBS

Teaching Experience: 06 years

Administrative Experience:  24 years

Research publication till the date (in number): 08

Other Experiences at University Level:

  • External Senior Supervisor for SPPU Examination
  • Chairman for Paper Setting for SPPU Examination for MBA, PGDBM, MBS Question papers
  • Member for paper Setting for SPPU Examination for MBA, PGDBM, MBS Question papers
  • Actively Participated in Central Assessment Process for University Papers for MBA, PGDBM, MBS
  • Member for Project Viva for MBA and PGDBM
  • Actively working as Student Development Officer in SPPU.
  • Working as a Consultant for Pune Educational Consultancy.

Workshop: 3 (State)

Faculty Development Programme: 5 (State)

Conference / Seminar Attended: 3 (National)

Seminar Attended: 4 (State) | 1 (National)

Paper presented @ Conference: 1 (National)

Paper Presented @ Seminar: 3 (National)

Paper Published in Journal: 4 (State)

Awards & Recognition Received:

  • Certificate of Appreciation as a Student Development Officer working continuously for three years by SPPU.

Membership Details:

  • Lifetime member of Maharshtra Sahitya Parishad

Dr. Omkar Vishwas Gadre

Associate Professor & Registrar (IOS)

Qualification: MMS (Systems), Ph.D,

Teaching & Industrial Experience: 10 years

Research publication till the date (in number): 04

 Other Experiences at University Level:

  • External Senior Supervisor for SPPU Examination


Awards & Recognition Received: NIL

Membership Details: NIL

Workshop: 4 (State)

Faculty Development Programme : 1 (State)

Paper presented @ Seminar: 1 (International)

Paper Published in Journal: 4 (International)

Dr. Renuka Amit Vanarse

Assistant Professor

Qualification: MA, MCM, PGDBM, MBS (HR),  Ph.D.(HR)

Teaching Experience: 12 years

Research publication till the date (in number): 08

Other Experiences at University Level:

  • External Senior Supervisor for SPPU Examination
  • Actively Participated in Central Assessment Process for University Papers for MBA, MBS
  • Chairman for Project Viva for MBA
  • Squad Committee member for External Theory Examination for SPPU Examination

Workshop: 6 (State) | 1 (National)

Faculty Development Programme: 8 (State)

Conference Attended: 1 (State) | 2 (National)

Seminar Attended: 5 (State) | 4 (National)

Paper presented @ Conference: 2 (National)

Paper presented @ Seminar: 1 (State) | 2 (National)

Paper Published in Journal: 2 (State)

Books Published: 1 (State)

Awards & Recognition Received:

  • N. C. Joshi Best Teacher’s Award 2013 awarded by Institute of Science, Poona, Wakad, Pune – 411057

Prof. Rohini Uday Nikam

Assistant Professor

Qualification: BSL. LL.B, LL.M. MPM, Pursuing Ph.D.

Teaching Experience: 14 years

Research publication till the date (in number): 05

Other Experiences at University Level:

  • Participated in Central Assessment Process for University Papers for MBA, PGDBM

Workshop: 5 (State)

Faculty Development Programme: 7 (State)

Conference / Seminar Attended: 2 (International)

Seminar Attended: 7 (State) | 3 (National)

Paper Published in Journal: 5 (State)

Books Published: 2 (State)


Dr. Roopali Prashant Kudare



 Qualification: MBA (Marketing & Finance), M.Com., Ph.D.

Teaching & Industrial Experience: 15 years

Research publication till the date (in number): 11

Other Experiences at University Level:

  • External Senior Supervisor for SPPU Examination
  • Chairman for Paper Setting for SPPU Examination for MBA, PGDBM, MBS Question papers
  • Member for paper Setting for SPPU Examination for MBA, PGDBM, MBS Question papers
  • Actively Participated in Central Assessment Process for University Papers for MBA, PGDBM, MBS
  • Member for Project Viva for MBA and PGDBM

Workshop: 7 (State) | 1 (National)

Faculty Development Programme: 3 (State)

Conference / Seminar Attended: 10 (National) | 4 (International)

Seminar Attended: 3 (State) | 2 (National)

Paper presented @ Conference: 6 (National) | 4 (International)

Paper Published in Journal: 1 (State)

Books Published: 4 (State)

Awards & Recognition Received:

  • N. C. Joshi Best Teacher’s Award 2011 awarded by Institute of Science, Poona, Wakad, Pune – 411057
  • Honored by Lions Club of Pune Pride for Notable Work done in Education Field

Membership Details:

  • Life Time Member Centre for Education Growth and Research (CEGR)

Dr. Sampada Laxman Gupchup

Assistant Professor

 Qualification: M.A. ( Economics) , PGDBM ( marketing) , MBS (Marketing) , Ph.D

Teaching & Industrial Experience: 19 years

Research publication till the date (in number): 6

Other Experiences at University Level:

  • External Senior Supervisor for SPPU Examination
  • Member for paper Setting for SPPU Examination for MBA Question papers
  • Actively Participated in Central Assessment Process for University Papers for MBA, PGDBM, MBS

Workshop: 4 (State) | 1 (National)

Faculty Development Programme: 3 (State)

Conference / Seminar Attended: 4 (State) | 1 (National)

Seminar Attended: 3 (State) | 1 (National)

Paper presented @ Conference: 3(State)| 2 (National) | 1 (International)

Paper Published in Journal: 2 (National)


Prof. Smita Ameya Wagh

Assistant Professor

Qualification: MCM, PGDBM, MBS, Pursuing PhD

Teaching & Industrial Experience: 09 years

Research publication till the date (in number): 06

Other Experiences at University Level:

  • External Senior Supervisor for SPPU (Viva-Voce) Examination

Workshop: 8 (State)

Faculty Development Programme: 8 (State)

Seminar Attended: 5 (State)

Awards & Recognition Received:  NIL

Membership Details: NIL

Prof. Dada Shamrao Patil

Assistant Professor

Qualification: MBA (Marketing)

Teaching Experience: 11 years

Research publication till the date (in number): 06

Other Experiences at University Level:

Workshop: 6 (State) | 1 (National)

Faculty Development Programme: 4 (State)

Conference Attended: 1 (State) | 2 (National)

Seminar Attended: 5 (State) | 4 (National)

Paper Published in Journal: 2 (State)

Awards & Recognition Received:


